Hackathon Terms and Conditions / Guidelines / Regulation

The CSTA Miami chapter sponsored by all of the amazing organizations above (sponsors), plan to carry out the Hackathon, on December 14th, which will be governed by the provisions of these terms and conditions (terms).

1. Purpose

1.1. The Hackathon will promote a programing challenge over a period of 6 days starting on Monday December 9th, 2024, after the publication of the video challenge at 8:00 AM and concluding on Saturday December 14th.

2. Organization

2.1. The Hackathon is organized by CSTA Miami . These terms and the event will be promoted through the CSTA Miami website.

3. Facilities and Infrastructure

3.1. The challenge will be presented via video at the official hackathon page in the Miami CSTA website at 8:00 AM on Monday December 9th, 2024. Teams will be given until Saturday December 14th, 2024 to work on the challenge, at which time they will present their projects in person at the location they selected during registration.

3.2. Participants will be able to connect with event organizers and mentors during the week thought office hours. Office hours will be posted at the main hackathon page.

3.3. Participants will be responsible for their own IT equipment, such as laptops or mobile devices, Wi Fi and web access.

3.4. Participants that will present their projects at one of the following locations.

Broward, FL


Jacksonville, FL

CSX 550 Building

550 Water St, Jacksonville, FL 3220

Miami, FL

Florida International University

PG6 Building

11200 SW 8th Street

Miami, FL 33174

4. Participants and Applications

4.1. Students in all middle and high school grades (public, private, homeschool and all other categories) and all levels of experience are eligible to participate in the Hackathon. Teams can be formed with students from different middle and high schools within the state of Florida.

4.2. Individuals can only participate in the Hackathon as a team. Participants shall be responsible for the organization of the teams and each team shall consist of a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 5 members. The organization shall accept only one registration per team. An adult sponsor is required for every team. The adult sponsor could be a teacher, parent, or legal guardian of one of the team members.

4.3. Formal registration shall be submitted via this website. Registration will close on November 29th. 2024 at midnight.

4.4. The application shall be accompanied by the complete identification of each one of the team members, particularly: Full name, email and school affiliation. The organization ensures the confidentiality and protection of all personal data provided for participation in the Hackathon, which will not be transferred or used for any other purpose.

5. Event Details

5.1. The Hackathon is a competition intended to encourage the creation and development of project that involves computer programming and that responds to the challenge posed by the event organizers.

5.2. The project could be an application, a video game, a website or any other form of computer programing using any programming language.

5.3. The duration of the event is 6 days, and the kickoff of the competition will start at 8:00 AM on Monday December 9th, 2023.

5.4. The event will start online with a team briefing and the reveal of the challenge.

5.5. Teams will have until the specified time to create their project solving the challenge, and prepare a pitch presentation which will be given in person at the location of their choice. The goal of the pitch is to help the judges understand the creative process of the project. The judges will evaluate both the program and the pitch presentation. Teams will have 10 minutes to present their pitch and 5 minutes to answer questions from judges. You do not have to actively present during the whole 10 minutes. It is a time limit.

5.5.1 Presentations should be made without an audience, focusing solely on the judges. Teachers, mentors and parents are welcomed into the room, but they can not participate in the presentations.

5.5.2 Teams located more than 50 miles from one of the site presentations will be permitted to present their project online. Proof of location must be submitted a the time or registration.

5.6. The judges will deliberate in accordance with the criteria provided for in paragraph 7.1 of these terms to select the winners.

5.7. Winners will be announced via the main event page and CSTA Miami social media on Instagram, X, YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn. 

6. Panel of Judges

6.1. The panel of judges will be composed of CSTA members, and other guests with recognized experience in the subject matter of computer science and programming.

6.2. The decisions of the panel will be made by following the criteria from paragraph 7.1.

6.4. These decisions will be made at the panel’s sole discretion. No team or team member shall make any claim or appeal against the decisions, either interlocutory or final, of the panel.


7. Selection of Winning Team(s)

7.1. For the selection of the winning team(s), the evaluation criteria of the submission to be used by the panel will be:

8. Prizes

8.1. Prizes will be awarded to the winning teams as follows:

  • 1st. Prize: $500
  • 2nd Prize: $300 
  • 3rd Prize $200

8.2. Prizes will be delivered via mail and email to the adult sponsor of the team within 90 days after the announcement of the winners.

8.3. The hackathon organizers reserve the right not to deliver prizes (in whole or in part) should the quality of the final products not meet the challenge criteria of the event and/or should the panel of judges decide not to do so, at its sole discretion. No team or team member shall dispute or make any claims about the decision.

8.4. The payment of any taxes, fees, charges or contributions related to the prizes is the sole responsibility of each individual team member of the winning teams.

8.5. The awards ceremony will take place at the end of the event. If the winners are not present at the time of the announcement, they will be notified via email. The awarding of prizes to third parties will not be allowed.


9. Acceptance of and Agreement to Terms and Conditions

9.1. Any application to participate in the Hackathon implies the full acceptance of these terms and conditions.

9.2. Participants agree to the following conditions for the application and participation in the Hackathon:

9.2.1. The solutions developed shall not feature any references of a sexual nature, explicit or suggestive, shall not be offensive, obscene, pornographic or violent or derogatory to any ethnic, racial, religious, professional or age group. They should not encourage any form of hate or group hate nor contain derogatory comments about CSTA and sponsors or its products or services, or other people, products or companies.

9.2.2. The solutions developed shall not advertise illegal drugs or firearms (or the use of either), or any activity that may convey unsafe, dangerous or political messages.

9.2.3. The solutions developed shall not present registered trademarks or logos owned by third parties or advertise or promote any brand or product of any kind.

9.2.4. The solutions developed shall not contain materials protected by copyright or property of third parties (including photographs, sculptures, paintings and other works of art or images published on websites or on television, movies or other media). Participants shall ensure that the ideas/prototypes/apps proposed are innovative and original.

9.2.5. The solutions developed shall not present any names, images, photographs or other evidences that identify any person, living or dead, without explicit authorization from them or their representatives.

9.2.6. During the Hackathon, participants shall act with the utmost courtesy and respect for all persons and entities involved in the event.

9.3. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions provided for in this clause may result in, by decision of the panel of judges, at its sole discretion, the exclusion of the participant and/or team from the Hackathon with no claim or appeal.


10. Intellectual Property10.1. By participating in the Hackathon, participants acknowledge and accept, for all legal purposes, that:

All intellectual property rights are exclusively owned by the participants of the competition, including copyright and related rights on the ideas/prototypes/apps and their components, whose design and development the participants have been involved in during the Hackathon.


11. Questions or Suggestions

11.1. For clarification, applicants and participants shall first refer to the information available on this site.

11.2. For any further information or suggestion, the following email address should be used: miamifl@.

11.3. Any omission shall be settled by the panel of judges, pursuant to Clause 6 of these terms.