April 23rd, 2021
As the school year starts to wind down, we would like to congratulate you for persisting in your role and seeing this year through. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication you have put forth through these trying times. We all look forward to a summer where we can rest and reflect about this unprecedented year, and to a new school year with the hopes that it will bring some level of normalcy to our lives.
As our chapter leaders plan for next school year, we would like to inform you of some changes in our team,
Let’s start by congratulating our President Carlos Vazquez. He is joining Hotwire Communications as the Director of Community Education and Empowerment. Due to this change Carlos will be stepping down from his President of CSTA Miami role, but will continue being part of the team as our main advisor.
As some of you may already be aware, our Co-Vice President Luis Jara joined MDCPS’ Office of Professional Development and Evaluation. He will step down from his role as CSTA Miami Co-Vice President.
Finally, Mark Godinez would also be stepping down from his Chapter Secretary role.
Carlos, Luis and Mark, were instrumental in the creation of the chapter, and will always be part of our founding members. Even though they are stepping down from their roles, they will still be acting members of our chapter.
These positions will be filled by the following members,
President - Willy Orozco, STEM educator and Regional Manager for Microsoft TEALS
Vice-President - Mario Eraso, STEM educator an co-founder of Zero Limit Learning, Inc.
Director of Community Partnerships - Grace Torres, Programs Director at Code/Art
Director of Student Engagement - Dean Morell, CS Teacher at Gulliver Prep
Treasurer - Michael Sakowicz, CS Teacher at Barbara Goleman High School
Secretary - Catheline Ahmed, CS Teacher at iPrep Academy
Please join us at our next CSTA Miami chapter meeting to thank our funding members for their service since the inception of the chapter, and to welcome the new leadership team. We will also be sharing some opportunities for teachers and students. The meeting will take place next Thursday April 29th at 6:00 PM via Microsoft TEAMS. Click here to register.