CSTA Miami will be holding elections at the end of August. Please click on read more if you are interested in learning more or becoming a candidate.
The CSTA Miami chapter will be holding elections at the end of August. If you are interested in becoming a candidate, please review description of the roles below. You are also encouraged to check out our About Us section to learn about the current leadership and the chapter Bylaws. Please note that all members of the leadership team work hand in hand supporting each other. All positions are organic, and the descriptions below may not cover all duties. The last day to submit your application for candidacy is August 19th.
Some of the projects the chapter works on during the school year are,
Host at least 4 meetings with all members of the chapter
Help plan and host PD opportunities for teachers. At least two per year.
Help plan and host the annual CSTA Miami Hackathon. This hackathon is in collaboration with other chapters and organizations.
Help plan and support network activities in order to increase and maintain the teaching community.
Help plan and support engagement opportunities for students.
Student Engagement / K-16 Liaison
The student engagement representative will be a liaison for K-16 responsible for managing all activities that include computer science students and for showcasing students’ activities during some of the chapter meetings. In our efforts to improve our reach and CS education overall, this individual will help promote and implement CSTA National Honor Societies in our local schools.
Outreach and Engagement Coordinator / Community Engagement
The Outreach and Engagement Coordinator is responsible for creating and maintaining relationships between the chapter and other organizations that bring value to the computer science teacher community; and aiding the President when planning guest speakers. This individual will also assist the rest of the team when applying for grants and searching for other forms of funding.
Chapter Secretary
The Secretary of the Chapter is responsible for sending out communications, meeting notices and maintaining meeting minutes and the membership roster. The Secretary is also responsible for keeping a record/history of all of the Chapter’s activities. The secretary is also in charge of keeping the website up to date.
Chapter Treasurer
The Treasurer of the Chapter is responsible for the financial management of the Chapter which include budget maintenance, access to bank accounts and all other related activities involving money, including submitting the taxes at the end of the fiscal year. Please note that CSTA Miami is covered by the 501(c)3 denomination from CSTA national and as such is expected to comply with all the necessary requirements.
Chapter Vice President
The Vice-President of the Chapter is responsible for chairing meetings of the membership in the President’s absence. The Vice-President will assist in the setting of the agenda for meetings, planning regular general membership meetings, including location, agenda, speakers, and other related activities.
Chapter President
The President of the Chapter is the main face of the chapter and as such, is expected to attend most events related to CSTA Miami. This individual will also work hand in hand with the Outreach Engagement Coordinator in order to strengthen partnerships with the community. The president is also be responsible for scheduling and chairing leadership meetings, meetings of the membership, and communicating with the CSTA Chapter Liaison. The President is responsible for setting the agenda for meetings, planning regular general membership meetings, including location, agenda, speakers, and other related activities.